To juice or not to juice? That is the question that Dr. Theresa Nicassio addresses today, because you asked!
Dear Theresa,
After recently watching the movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead I decided that I want to start to juice. I am really excited to take this step for my health, but feel a bit overwhelmed and not sure where to start. I would really appreciate if you can offer a few tips to help me.
Ready for Health in Vancouver
Detoxifying parsley | Theresa Nicassio
Hi Ready,
I am happy to share some tips to help you with your journey back to health for the New Year. Here are some juicing basics, common challenges, and solutions to make it easier for you to “live your dream” as my daughter Alex would say.
Why Juice?
If you watched Joe Cross’s movie, you are already ahead of the game, by realizing how potent juicing can be. As I dis…

Do You Have A Question Or Topic You’d Like Me To Address?
The “Because You Asked” radio show segment was inspired by the plethora of questions friends and followers have been asking me since the YUM Project began. I can’t begin to tell you how moved I have been by the droves of email inquiries, social media messages, phone calls and in-person questions YUM and my speaking engagements have prompted! With such a demand, it will be terrific to be able to offer my reflections and information to an even broader audience.
If you have any topics or questions that you would like me to address, I’d love to hear from you!