Magazine Wellness Columns | Dr. Theresa Nicassio
Magazine Wellness Columns | Dr. Theresa Nicassio


In addition to the other magazines and blogs I have regularly been writing for (e.g. FLOURISH/New Roots Herbal Magazine, Conscious Living TV, The Wellness Universe, and, I am pleased to announce that I am now writing two wellness columns in BLUSHVancouver Magazine.

After a lot of reflection and discussion with the extraordinary Helen Siwak (Editor-in-Chief & Owner), we decided that I would bring the YUM spirit to the magazine. For the columns, I will be providing real advice and experiences for the readers and invite them into more mindful, compassionate and educated living. The joyful, yet informative columns will be designed to be physically, emotionally and mentally nourishing and contribute to helping readers feel better about themselves.

“Mindful Living”

Each column will have a unique focus. The “Mindful Living” column will have a slice of life quality, combining my knowledge and experiences as a psychologist, mum, chef, gardener, and author who is just another being doing my best to navigate this experience we call “Life”.  I’ll be sharing about pleasure-based, sustainable and kindness-oriented living, and engaging with the vision for living a meaningful life that so many deeply long for.  The theme of self-care will be an underlying thread of the column, including the invitation for readers to nourish their bodies and minds through enjoying delicious gluten-free plant-based foods.  Link to the first “Mindful Living” column…

“Because You Asked”

The “Because You Asked” column was inspired by the plethora of questions friends and followers have been asking me since the YUM Project began. I can’t begin to tell you how moved I have been by the droves of email inquiries, social media messages, phone calls and in-person questions YUM has prompted!  With such a demand, it will be terrific to be able to offer my reflections and information to an even broader audience.

“Because You Asked” will be like a “Dear Abby” for Wellness column. Anything wellness-related is fair game, whether readers have questions about topics like psychology, food, health, parenting, gardening, or living with special challenges. In my responses, I will be sharing my personal perspective and experiences, as well as information that I have learned as a wellness professional and chef. The information will of course be general in nature, but will be designed to open up new possibilities to consider and alternative ways of thinking. The column will be a place of hope and curiosity, where we can dialogue about issues and questions that are important to you. (So start thinking about what questions you’d like to ask!)

For both the “Mindful Living” and “Because You Asked” columns, I’ll also be sharing many of my food and garden photos, as well as some of Alejandra Aguirre’s ( author and lifestyle photos that she took for the YUM Project.


It All Began With ZEST!

In case you are wondering, Helen and I first met because she had decided to share my story of how YUM came to be in a ZEST Woman of the Week feature article in the re-launch issue of the BLUSHVancouver publication (. From our first contact, I knew that the empowering voice and eco-friendly message of this women’s magazine was a great fit for the gifts that I am best equipped to offer. The “ZEST” concept alone, celebrating the raw, unadulterated sharing of women for women as a vehicle for inspiration immediately resonated for me.

I hope these wellness columns will add a slice of joy and information to your world!
