#MindfulLiving: A HOPE-Centred 2017
Because New Years Resolutions Can Be Problematic…
Having just said Goodbye to 2016 and now looking forward to a whole new landscape of possibilities for 2017, we have the exciting, yet often problematic opportunity to make a New Year’s Resolution. Imagine what it might be like to name an intention for your life that you can joyfully embrace and also actually successfully achieve.
While it may sound a bit contrary to popular belief, as a registered therapist, I am opposed to goal-setting in general. Instead, I have found much better results when the focus for change is on intentions and aspirations.
Banish Traditional New Years Resolutions Using a HOPE-Based Model
Goals set us up for expectations and failure, impairing wellness, while aspirations and intentions set us up for a positive and life-giving trajectory and general map for opportunity-seeking and optimal decision-making.
In that spirit, I would like to propose to you an alternative way that you can make the most of 2017.
This article proposes an alternative way to make the most of the New Year that honours what we know about positive psychology, the neurosciences, health & the natural longing for transformation.
Do You Have A Question Or Topic You’d Like Me To Address?
The “Because You Asked” radio show segment was inspired by the plethora of questions friends and followers have been asking me since the YUM Project began. I can’t begin to tell you how moved I have been by the droves of email inquiries, social media messages, phone calls and in-person questions YUM and my speaking engagements have prompted! With such a demand, it will be terrific to be able to offer my reflections and information to an even broader audience.
If you have any topics or questions that you would like me to address, I’d love to hear from you!